Will BTC and ETH make you rich? The TRUTH about investing in Bitcoin and Ethereum - Spencer Williams

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Investing a little bit of money in Bitcoin or Ethereum won't do anything for you. You need to learn how to set up a scalable online business. Once your scalable online business is netting you 10K / month it will be appropriate to live on half and invest 5K / month into Bitcoin or Ethereum. Until then, focus on investing in yourself until you know how to make 100K / more.

Think about it this way:
2 People. Both with the goal of creating wealth.

Person A: Earns $2000 - $3000 / month. Invests $500 / month into BTC, ETH or Index Funds.

Person B: Earns $2000 - $3000 / month. Isn't satisfied with current income level, knows they can do better and earn more but not sure where to start or maybe scared to take the leap of going into business for themselves. Does it anyways and invests $500 / month into self to learn how to build a scalable online business that nets them six figures or more per year.

After 1 year:
Person A: $6000 Invested.
Person B: -$6000 "Lost".

After 2 years:
A: $12,000 - $15,000 Invested.

B: $6000 / year additional income. But no profits yet. Income from business is breaking even with $500 per month in consulting spend. Acquired the knowledge and skills. Now putting in the work of building something out of it.

After 5 years:
Person A: $30,000 - $50,000 Invested depending on compound interest. 30K low end. This person is still living on $1500 - $2500 / month. Has limited options and sacrifices need to be made monthly to achieve the investment goal of $500 / m.

Person B: Still $0 invested. But now an income of 100K / year with the online business they've been building and mastered the knowledge + skills + processes needed to earn 100K per year or more. Now it's time to invest some of this cashflow into scaling the business or longterm assets.

For the past 5 years "Person A" has been convinced they are doing "better" than "Person B". But "Person B" wasn't satisfied.

Year 6:
A: $36K - $60K Invested. Living on $1500-$2000/m. Investing $500/m.

B: $50K Invested. Living on $3000-$5000/m. Investing $5000/m.

Year 7:
A: $45K + Interest Invested. Living on $1500-$2000/m. Investing $500/m.

B: $100K + Interest Invested. Living on $3-5K / m. Investing $5k/m.

Year 10:

A: 60K Invested + Interest. This is assuming no increase in investment amount of $500/m.

B: 250K Invested + Interest. This is assuming no increase in your online businesses earnings at all - which would most likely increase exponentially.

As you can see:
Person A ended up with less capital invested by year 10 than Person B.
Person A had to sacrifice more and live with a lower quality of life for 10 years than Person B.
Person A had to sacrifice for 10 years straight, Person B only had to sacrifice for 5.
Person A had a larger net worth for the first 5 years, then Person B quickly caught up and surpassed Person A.
Person A couldn't "Let go" of the numbers on their screen. Instead of investing in themselves, learning how to earn high income and going into business for themselves, they invested in someone else's business. As a result reaped lower returns but had the comfort of being able to still see "their money".

Even though it may appear you are not doing well by investing in yourself for the first 5 years, you are gathering knowledge that will set you up for a lifetime and building an asset that will pay you in dividends for a lifetime while mastering skills that will create you multiple streams of income over your entire life time. Invest in yourself with Williams Wealth Creation until you know how to and do make over 100K per year in income. AT LEAST.

After that, accumulate assets or scale your business bigger!

►Where to follow and listen to Spencer:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/williamswealthcreation
Facebook: https://facebook.com/officialspencerwilliams
How To Start And Grow An Online Business: http://williamswealthcreation.teachable.com/p/coaching
1 on 1 High Performance Sales Coaching Packages For Your Business and Your Sales People: https://williamswealthcreation.teachable.com/p/salescoaching
High Income Education For Entrepreneurs: http://williamswealthcreation.com
Financial Education: http://williamswealthcreation.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/spencerwilliamsofficial
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Spencer Williams is a Canadian Up and Coming Entrepreneur, Author of The Online Millionaire, Six Figure Entrepreneur By 20, the #1 business and sales coach in Canada, and an internationally renowned coach in leadership, e-commerce, sales, building generational wealth, entrepreneurship, social media, & finance. Spencers high performance attitude & correct viewpoints on the economy, building wealth, sales systems and business in the digital economy have made him a valuable asset for individuals & businesses seeking solutions, guidance & insights. Spencer resides in Toronto, Ontario where he does his 1 on 1 High Performance Online Business & Sales Coaching Practices.
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