Web50 Project2 Commerce

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13 Vues
Design an eBay-like e-commerce auction site that will allow users to post auction listings, place bids on listings, comment on those listings, and add listings to a “watchlist.”

00:08 Models: Your application should have at least three models in addition to the model
00:19 Create Listing: Users should be able to visit a page to create a new listing.
1:16 Active Listings Page: The default route of your web application should let users view all of the currently active auction listings.
1:22 Listing Page: Clicking on a listing should take users to a page specific to that listing. On that page, users should be able to view all details about the listing, including the current price for the listing.
03:03 Watchlist: Users who are signed in should be able to visit a Watchlist page, which should display all of the listings that a user has added to their watchlist.
03:55 Categories: Users should be able to visit a page that displays a list of all listing categories.
04:41 Django Admin Interface: Via the Django admin interface, a site administrator should be able to view, add, edit, and delete any listings, comments, and bids made on the site.
E commerce Ebay

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