SaaS Onboarding: How we do it at Ahrefs

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How important is product onboarding?

Without having one, it is possible that many users will quit before they even try out your product.

But, as with everything, you need balance - make your onboarding too complicated, and users will quit. Make it too short - and they won’t have a good enough understanding of the product to stick to it.

So, how did we make it work at Ahrefs? It’s something I call pre-boarding.

We basically onboard the users before they even sign up for our 7-day trial - all with the help of educational content on our blog and on our YouTube channel.

Which kind of onboarding will work best for you? In this video, I will try to help you answer this question.

⌚ Timecodes:
00:00 Introduction
00:24 Fixing the “leaky bucket” with onboarding
02:09 The Aha! moment
06:06 The path to value (TikTok example)
08:51 Customized onboarding at ConvertKit
12:12 The motivation to solve a problem
13:36 Ahrefs’ onboarding

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