Rare look into Xinjiang Ep. 1: Acryback's struggle

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China Media Group (CMG) on Friday released an eight-episode documentary titled "Rare Look into Xinjiang" with interviews on eight migrant workers from northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region who work far away from home, depicting how they improve their life through hard work.

The first episode tells the story of Acryback, a young man from Akto County in Xinjiang's Kizilsu Kyrgyz Autonomous Prefecture. He started working in an electronics factory in Huizhou City of south China's Guangdong Province a year ago.

Acryback's father passed away when he was little, and his mother was the sole breadwinner in the family. To help his mother, Acryback started to work after graduating from high school. With the money he earned, he bought the first mobile phone in his life and sent money back home to support his family and his sister's study.

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