Part 3- How to sell anything on Facebook and Instagram – Choosing the right path

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In this video, we will discuss how and what right plat you need to choose to sell anything on Facebook and Instagram.

In Pakistan, payment methods are different than foreign countries like most individuals will go for payment on the time of delivery rather than paying with debit cards.

To sell anything on Facebook there are three methods. The first one is self-service which means that you’re not associated with any other platform like Shopify or any e-commerce website but selling your product on your own on Facebook.

For help on how to set your shop watch video for reference.

The second tool is Platform partner which is the opposite of self-service which means in this platform you are associated with other platforms like Shopify after being associated with other platforms your whole advertisements, product display is done by them.

The last platform that we use is API integration which could be done if you are any sort of developer or you could hire someone to create API for you and connect it to your social media account Facebook to sell. This tool is better for large scale business.

Overall, besides these methods, the Facebook developer's tool is also helpful to sell anything and grow engagement.

In this video, we are discussing how to choose the right path to sell anything on Facebook and Instagram in 2020.

We have compiled a complete series of videos around to set up a shop and sell your products on Facebook and Insta, Including:

How to choose the right path to sell the product on Facebook and Instagram.
• Buyer Journey and Seller Journey
• Choosing the right commerce path
• Self-Serve vs. Platform Partner
• API Integration for Shop Setup

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Watch the full video to understand how to sell anything on Facebook and Instagram in 2020.

#DigitalMarketing #SocialMediaMarketing #Facebook #instagram #facebookPage #FacebookShop #instagramshop
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