New Amazon Performance Metric: Invoice Defect Rate | Global E-Commerce Experts - E-Commerce Corner

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Thursday's E-Commerce Content Corners focus on the intricacies of selling on Amazon, with today focusing specifically on the newly added Invoice Defect Rate!

Now while this only refers to B2B sales and these may be less frequent than your B2C ones - it's still essential you ensure the rate is kept below 5% as if it's above this Amazon plan to start taking action on sellers accounts. What this means exactly we're still not sure but it's probably best to not find out.

This means that for ever 100 orders, no more than 4 can have an invoice defect. But, what is a defect exactly? Andy will explains how a defect occurs and what you can do to ensure you've automated the process so you'll never get a strike against your name...

#invoicedefectrate #amazonfbaseller #amazonsellers #amazonfbaexpert #amazonfbacoaching #amazonfba #ecommerce #contentcorner #globalecommexperts
E commerce Amazon

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