Let's talk youth, employment and COVID-19! Webinar initiated by the trainees of the EESC

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Due to immense disruptions on the labour market and tightened hiring policies in many organisations caused by the Covid-19 epidemic, many young Europeans face uncertainty with respect to their professional future. For a whole generation of freshly graduated people, their early professional experience will be dominated by the Covid-19 fallout.
As young Europeans, the trainees of the EESC want to contribute with our webinar to increase awareness and stimulate the debate, spread optimism and create a sense of solidarity and community amongst European graduates, apprentices, job entrants and young professionals during this exceptional time and the months to come. Speakers include:

• Walid Behar, Co-founder and CEO of Edbridg, France
• Arijana Koskarova, Founder of the Creative Hub, North Macedonia and Kosovo
• Monica Semedo, Member of the European Parliament, RENEW Europe Group, Luxembourg (tbc)
• Tea Jarc, President of the Youth Committee of the European Trade Union Confederation, Slovenia

• Mikk Vainik, Head of Accelerate Estonia, Estonia
• Indrė Vareikytė, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee, Group III & Delegate of the Lithuanian Youth Council, Lithuania
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