Kevin Hart Explains How to Make Money from Social Media

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Kevin Hart Explains How To Make Money From Social Media

Clubhouse is all the wave right now. ⁣

Why? ⁣

Because it was exclusive. ⁣

They raised millions in venture capital money. ⁣

They had a smart marketing campaign. ⁣

And they went after black people. ⁣

This is the formula for success in social media. ⁣

But is social media just a place for people to express themselves?⁣

No. ⁣

Social media controls American and global commerce. ⁣

Media has always had control over who makes the most money. ⁣

Because media controls consumers. ⁣

In the past, people used to go to dire lengths to have their content on network and/or cable television. ⁣

Now with so many options, networks are sharing the profits with anyone who makes content that people watch. ⁣

That’s what YouTube has been doing. ⁣

They give you 70% of the revenue that comes through your channel. ⁣

They find the consumers. ⁣

They find the advertisers. ⁣

And you get paid. ⁣

Why aren’t you making YouTube content?⁣

Instagram is about to do the same thing. ⁣

And Snapchat. ⁣

Why are y’all building clubhouse for free? ⁣

We’ve built up enough social media platforms for free. ⁣

You can have the same conversations on clubhouse, anywhere else on the internet. ⁣

And get paid for it. ⁣

Yet, y’all wanna choose the free option. ⁣

New slaves? ⁣

I wanna know ⁣

Comment in the comments. ⁣

FOLLOW @doriangroup82 ⁣

Get our music marketing packages for 60% off. ⁣





#rapper #songwriter #songwritingtips #playlists #spotifyplaylists #spotifyplacement ⁣

Shoutout to @kevinhart4real and @breakfastclubam



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