I wish I knew this before starting my business | Start a business with less than N5,000/ $30
Click on this link to sign up : http://app.swhag.co/signup
Use my Code :
step by step guide:????
1.Click on the link to download the app
2.sign up
3.Create a free e-commerce website on SWHAG
4. Get access to variety brands and products
5. Add products from SWHAG to your website
6. Drive traffic to your website
7. Get paid as soon as a sale is made
I am not a business coach or anything, this is just my humble suggestion.
Keywords ❣️
Start a business| Start a business without holding goods | how to Start a business with less than N5,000 | Drop shipping | SWHAG Review| No shipping Struggles | How to start a business if you are a student | what to do during this Asuu strike| Asuu strike | start at the comfort of your home | start a business of your own | Dropshipper | Drop shipping business
Let's connect:
Business on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/flourishflaircollection/
For Collaboration/Sponsorship:
This is a platform where I choose to share my Entrepreneurship journey to encourage anyone who plans on starting their own business. Starting a business can be scary but you just have to start
My business is all about Faith and Growth, that's where the name Flourish came from.
✨ This is my journey and I hope someone gets motivated.
Motivational quote:
Many times the impossible is simply the untried.
Do something! Don't worry about the goal; just take the steps that take you past the starting point
#Startabusiness #Startabusinesswithoutholdinggoods #howtoStartabusinesswithlessthanN5,000 | #Dropshipping | #SWHAGReview #NoshippingStruggles | #Howtostartabusinessif youareastudent | #howtobypass$20limit #dollarrestriction #buyingfromAlibaba #sellandearnwithSWHAG #Asuustrike | #Dropshipper #DropshippingBusiness #IstartedmybusinesswithlessthanN5,000
#nigeriabusiness #Alibaba #buyingfromchina
Click on this link to sign up : http://app.swhag.co/signup
Use my Code :
step by step guide:????
1.Click on the link to download the app
2.sign up
3.Create a free e-commerce website on SWHAG
4. Get access to variety brands and products
5. Add products from SWHAG to your website
6. Drive traffic to your website
7. Get paid as soon as a sale is made
I am not a business coach or anything, this is just my humble suggestion.
Keywords ❣️
Start a business| Start a business without holding goods | how to Start a business with less than N5,000 | Drop shipping | SWHAG Review| No shipping Struggles | How to start a business if you are a student | what to do during this Asuu strike| Asuu strike | start at the comfort of your home | start a business of your own | Dropshipper | Drop shipping business
Let's connect:
Business on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/flourishflaircollection/
For Collaboration/Sponsorship:
This is a platform where I choose to share my Entrepreneurship journey to encourage anyone who plans on starting their own business. Starting a business can be scary but you just have to start
My business is all about Faith and Growth, that's where the name Flourish came from.
✨ This is my journey and I hope someone gets motivated.
Motivational quote:
Many times the impossible is simply the untried.
Do something! Don't worry about the goal; just take the steps that take you past the starting point
#Startabusiness #Startabusinesswithoutholdinggoods #howtoStartabusinesswithlessthanN5,000 | #Dropshipping | #SWHAGReview #NoshippingStruggles | #Howtostartabusinessif youareastudent | #howtobypass$20limit #dollarrestriction #buyingfromAlibaba #sellandearnwithSWHAG #Asuustrike | #Dropshipper #DropshippingBusiness #IstartedmybusinesswithlessthanN5,000
#nigeriabusiness #Alibaba #buyingfromchina
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