➡️Book FREE strategy session for my personal help in scaling your eCom bizz/FB ads: https://www.ecommercescalingsecrets.com/schedule?sl=yt380
???? Doing over $1k a day in eCommerce sales and want to scale your store?
Join 1500+ experienced dropshippers in our community for high-level training and help: https://www.facebook.com/groups/brandhypergrowth?sl=ytorg
➡️Grab your Facebook CBO Blueprint right https://www.ecommercescalingsecrets.com/cbo-blueprint34774566?sl=yt380
➡️Train yourself OR your team to be PERFECT media buyers using my bulletproof framework: https://www.ecommercescalingsecrets.com/7-figure-media-buyer-training?sl=yt380
➡️Make your ads work on Pinterest, with $1-2 CPM using my step-by-step Pinterest guide: https://www.ecommercescalingsecrets.com/pinterest-ads-blueprint40574283?sl=yt380
✅ FREE Trial of Adspy to find winning ads: https://adspy.com?a=18050
Hey guys,
Quick question: how’s YOUR ECOM TEAM looking right now?
Not so good? Could be better? Yep, it’s not that easy to build a STRONG one…
But no worries; I GOT YOU covered here…
Today, I’ll tell you HOW TO build an A-LEVEL ecom team from scratch:
reverse-engineering as the WAY TO FIND high-quality employees
what positions you NEED below $100k/mo
what positions you NEED below $1mil/mo
what’s common between ALL TOP PERFORMERS
what 7-8-FIGURE GUYS in our community do
the concept of “poaching”
That and NOT ONLY - things that will help you go from 6 fig to 7 fig, from 7 fig to 8 fig…and beyond that!
✅ Get 5 FREE FB Ads CBO Cheatsheets: https://m.me/alexfedotofffans?ref=w9095277
✅ Join the FB/ eCom Mastermind group: http://bit.ly/facebookadsrockstars
✅ Follow me on IG: https://www.instagram.com/alexfedotofff
✅ Friend me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alexandrfedotof
✅ Free dropshipping / FB ads course playlist: http://bit.ly/freedropshipcourse
✅Gorgias support for Shopify: https://gorgias.grsm.io/oleksandrfedotov7970
✅SMS BUMP https://smsbump.com/shopify/install?r=RVR2UmxJc3N5Q2ljdkpjd0JlWHlzdz09
✅FREE Trial of Adspy to find winning ads: https://adspy.com?a=18050
???? Doing over $1k a day in eCommerce sales and want to scale your store?
Join 1500+ experienced dropshippers in our community for high-level training and help: https://www.facebook.com/groups/brandhypergrowth?sl=ytorg
➡️Grab your Facebook CBO Blueprint right https://www.ecommercescalingsecrets.com/cbo-blueprint34774566?sl=yt380
➡️Train yourself OR your team to be PERFECT media buyers using my bulletproof framework: https://www.ecommercescalingsecrets.com/7-figure-media-buyer-training?sl=yt380
➡️Make your ads work on Pinterest, with $1-2 CPM using my step-by-step Pinterest guide: https://www.ecommercescalingsecrets.com/pinterest-ads-blueprint40574283?sl=yt380
✅ FREE Trial of Adspy to find winning ads: https://adspy.com?a=18050
Hey guys,
Quick question: how’s YOUR ECOM TEAM looking right now?
Not so good? Could be better? Yep, it’s not that easy to build a STRONG one…
But no worries; I GOT YOU covered here…
Today, I’ll tell you HOW TO build an A-LEVEL ecom team from scratch:
reverse-engineering as the WAY TO FIND high-quality employees
what positions you NEED below $100k/mo
what positions you NEED below $1mil/mo
what’s common between ALL TOP PERFORMERS
what 7-8-FIGURE GUYS in our community do
the concept of “poaching”
That and NOT ONLY - things that will help you go from 6 fig to 7 fig, from 7 fig to 8 fig…and beyond that!
✅ Get 5 FREE FB Ads CBO Cheatsheets: https://m.me/alexfedotofffans?ref=w9095277
✅ Join the FB/ eCom Mastermind group: http://bit.ly/facebookadsrockstars
✅ Follow me on IG: https://www.instagram.com/alexfedotofff
✅ Friend me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alexandrfedotof
✅ Free dropshipping / FB ads course playlist: http://bit.ly/freedropshipcourse
✅Gorgias support for Shopify: https://gorgias.grsm.io/oleksandrfedotov7970
✅SMS BUMP https://smsbump.com/shopify/install?r=RVR2UmxJc3N5Q2ljdkpjd0JlWHlzdz09
✅FREE Trial of Adspy to find winning ads: https://adspy.com?a=18050
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