I have been an ecommerce seller since 2002. I started on eBay in the "Wild West Days" and on Amazon when it was still a media only platform. Amazon paid me through reimbursements to try the introduction of their FBA program. Through all the years, I have sold many, many millions of goods. I share my experience of the differences between the 2 sales platforms. Please note: this is not a comprehensive list. This is MY experience. Please do your own due diligence and research for your personal business.
I am on a mission to get this store to selling 15 items/per day with a $20/ item profit. The end goal is to have a part time eBay business earning me a 6 figure retirement income of $2,500-$3,000/ week. Follow along with me as I document my efforts to get this eBay reselling business profitable and earning me on-going income.
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I am on a mission to get this store to selling 15 items/per day with a $20/ item profit. The end goal is to have a part time eBay business earning me a 6 figure retirement income of $2,500-$3,000/ week. Follow along with me as I document my efforts to get this eBay reselling business profitable and earning me on-going income.
Ebay goodwill thrifting side gig, no experience side hustle, yard sale treasure hunting garage sale, how to work from home in 2024 entrepreneur homeschooling picker reseller pickers yard sale estate sales estate sale ride along thrift with me auctions ebay reselling ebay haul vlog part time treasure hunting treasure hunt picking auctions auction picker garage sale yard sale local auction resell video ebay video make money at auctions make money from home make money online picking picking garage sales reselling garage sale profits treasure hunting buy and sell reseller community reselling community garage sale video jackpot
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- E commerce Ebay