Create MLM website in WordPress Part - 5 | Design user Dashboard in AffiliateWP wordpress plugin

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Part-1 :
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Buy AffiliateWP plugin with 24 add ons :

Install WordPress on localhost - xampp Step By Step :

CSS used in the video

@media (max-width: 979px){
flex: 1;

display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
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background: #025779;
padding: 10px !important;
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flex-basis: 150px !important;

.affwp-affiliate-dashboard-tab a:hover{
color: white !important;
background: #44c493 !important;

display: none !important;

.affwp-referral-url-submit-wrap .button{
background: #fea833;
color: white;
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font-size: 16px;

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color: black;

Create MLM website in WordPress with AffiliateWP plugin

Running an affiliate program can massively increase your site’s revenue. Paying commissions on multi levels further incentivizes your affiliates to promote your products and helps attract the larger for experienced internet marketers. The ‘Multi Level Affiliates’ add-on adds multi level commissions to AffiliateWP which is the most popular affiliate marketing plugin for WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, and many more WordPress e-commerce and membership extensions.

Easily create your full-featured affiliate program on WordPress. You’re here because you want an affiliate marketing solution that works. AffiliateWP is an easy-to-use, reliable WordPress plugin that gives you the affiliate marketing tools you need to grow your business and make more money.

Affiliate marketing will grow your businessRank higher. Boost traffic. Earn more money.
E commerce Wordpress

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