#BusinessKaraoke: E-Commerce, Digital Transformation & New Business Opportunities, post COVID-19.

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In this episode, we sit down with Evan Burkosky and take an anecdotal approach to exploring the evolution of e-Commerce and digital transformation in Japan. Evan is the Japan country manager for Dynamic Yield, where he channels 2 decades of e-commerce insights to improving the customer experience (CX) by digitalizing the internationally renowned customer service concept of Omotenashi. We begin the conversation with a very candid recap of entrepreneurship and learn about Evan's experience as being one of the first evangelists of e-commerce and the digital economy. We then dive into the some of the non-obvious influencers behind the slow adoption of technology among Japan Inc. while giving equal focus to the tangible opportunities that present themselves to businesses who can stomach risk.

I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did and don’t forget to share your feedback with me on your favorite social platform.

Let's begin!

Below are some timestamps of our conversation so you can quickly navigate the topics most relevant for you.

Key Takeaways

E commerce Divers

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