Best Stock to Buy: Amazon vs. Etsy | Amazon Stock vs. Etsy Stock | AMZN Stock vs. ETSY Stock

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Pitting together two e-commerce companies of different sizes and scales.

Amazon is a massive e-commerce company that tries to do everything. Etsy brings buyers and sellers together on its platform. contributor and finance professor Parkev Tatevosian chooses his favorite e-commerce stock in this video.

A portion of this video is sponsored by The Motley Fool.

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The Motley Fool Stock Advisor returns are 395% as of 4/27/2023 and measured against the S&P 500 returns of 118% as of 4/27/2023. Past performance is not an indicator of future results. All investing involves a risk of loss. Individual investment results may vary; not all Motley Fool Stock Advisor picks have performed as well.


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E commerce Amazon
#growthstockstobuy, #beststockstobuynow, #stocks

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