We have special guest Dano Falk who is a successful Amazon seller, sharing valuable tips on how to sell on Amazon-Product Ranking Strategies.
Ranking & Reviews generation
1. Decide on the Keyword you want to rank for
2. Determine the daily sales you need to match
3. Plan your campaign
4. Diversify traffic sources
5. Run campaign until you reach your target
How to Rank on Amazon
Amazon wants to make money. And they want happy customers -
so they can keep on making money. Hence the A9 algorithm
favours listings which
• Sell well
• Make customers happy (good reviews)
In order for your ranking to stick, you need a product that makes
customers happy. But to get on page one for a specific search
term in the first place, you need to match the full-price-sales
numbers of your competitors.
Decide on the Keyword you want to rank for
1.Picking the right Keyword to rank mill make
or break you campaign success.
You can rank for many Keywords. But if you
want your ranking to stick, you need to pick
your Keywords wisely.
2. Determine the daily sales you need to match
Use one of the Seller Tools to determine the daily sales you need to rank #1.
• Zoof - paid tool
• Celebro / Helium 10 - paid tool with some free functions
• KeywordInspector - paid tool with some free functions
• Viral Launch - paid tool
• Other tools
2. Determine the daily sales you need to match
Monthly Search Volume Daily Search Volume Daily Sales of
Product Ranking #1
Orange Short Gloves 1,500 50 10
So in our case, if we go for “Orange Short Gloves”,
the math would be as follows:
Which means: In order to rank #1 page 1, we need to match the daily
sales of that position: 10 units.
If you have no tool available, a good guess would be to take 20% of the
daily search volume (assuming that the product ranked #1 will get 20
% of the sales)
3. Plan your campaign
When planning the campaign, we
want to follow the ‘Growing Spikes”
Strategy: Show increasing sales-
spikes with 2-3 day gaps in between.
This simulates natural buyer-
behaviour for a product that
becomes increasingly popular.
Campaign duration: 30 days
4. Diversify traffic sources
So befor you start your ranking
campaign, make sure to have several
traffic sources in place. Like:
- PPC campaigns
- Social Media Discount coupons which
are used by Amazon’s own influencers
- Social media (Facebook / Instagram
ads, posts, Pinterest, Influencers...)
- Traffic from websites like your brand
page and influencer websites
- Google Ads
5. Run the campaign
until you reach your target
Now you need a system that can
generate SFB (Search-Find-Buys).
If you don’t have one - just go to
Run the campaign
until you reach your target
Check on your rankings.
Amazon normally changes your
ranking 4 days after it detects a
change in sales / conversions.
So don’t be disappointed if you don’t
see any changes in the first 3 days.
Thanks for watching this video.
My email is w.meibo@gmail.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/sourcinginguangzhou
Ranking & Reviews generation
1. Decide on the Keyword you want to rank for
2. Determine the daily sales you need to match
3. Plan your campaign
4. Diversify traffic sources
5. Run campaign until you reach your target
How to Rank on Amazon
Amazon wants to make money. And they want happy customers -
so they can keep on making money. Hence the A9 algorithm
favours listings which
• Sell well
• Make customers happy (good reviews)
In order for your ranking to stick, you need a product that makes
customers happy. But to get on page one for a specific search
term in the first place, you need to match the full-price-sales
numbers of your competitors.
Decide on the Keyword you want to rank for
1.Picking the right Keyword to rank mill make
or break you campaign success.
You can rank for many Keywords. But if you
want your ranking to stick, you need to pick
your Keywords wisely.
2. Determine the daily sales you need to match
Use one of the Seller Tools to determine the daily sales you need to rank #1.
• Zoof - paid tool
• Celebro / Helium 10 - paid tool with some free functions
• KeywordInspector - paid tool with some free functions
• Viral Launch - paid tool
• Other tools
2. Determine the daily sales you need to match
Monthly Search Volume Daily Search Volume Daily Sales of
Product Ranking #1
Orange Short Gloves 1,500 50 10
So in our case, if we go for “Orange Short Gloves”,
the math would be as follows:
Which means: In order to rank #1 page 1, we need to match the daily
sales of that position: 10 units.
If you have no tool available, a good guess would be to take 20% of the
daily search volume (assuming that the product ranked #1 will get 20
% of the sales)
3. Plan your campaign
When planning the campaign, we
want to follow the ‘Growing Spikes”
Strategy: Show increasing sales-
spikes with 2-3 day gaps in between.
This simulates natural buyer-
behaviour for a product that
becomes increasingly popular.
Campaign duration: 30 days
4. Diversify traffic sources
So befor you start your ranking
campaign, make sure to have several
traffic sources in place. Like:
- PPC campaigns
- Social Media Discount coupons which
are used by Amazon’s own influencers
- Social media (Facebook / Instagram
ads, posts, Pinterest, Influencers...)
- Traffic from websites like your brand
page and influencer websites
- Google Ads
5. Run the campaign
until you reach your target
Now you need a system that can
generate SFB (Search-Find-Buys).
If you don’t have one - just go to
Run the campaign
until you reach your target
Check on your rankings.
Amazon normally changes your
ranking 4 days after it detects a
change in sales / conversions.
So don’t be disappointed if you don’t
see any changes in the first 3 days.
Thanks for watching this video.
My email is w.meibo@gmail.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/sourcinginguangzhou
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- E commerce Divers