In 2011, Dawn Dickson was attending an event in Miami, dressed to the nines in her usual six-inch heels. After standing for hours, her feet were in considerable pain and thus began her quest for affordable flats to find some relief. Dawn set out to create a stylish rollable flat she could carry in her purse. And thus Flat Out of Heels was born. The challenges she faced were innumerable, especially since as a Black woman, Dawn faced even more adversity securing funding and resources for her business. Nevertheless, she persevered and through, she was able to identify a reliable manufacturer who helped her bring her breakthrough product to market efficiently and at a lower cost point. Overcoming these challenges is why Dawn Dickson is a winner of the 2022 Manifest Grants Program.
Since 1999, has been helping small businesses buy and sell their goods around the world. Today, we are one of the world’s largest B2B marketplaces, serving buyers and sellers in over 200 countries and regions worldwide across more than 40 industries. Think of it as an on-demand digital trade show – one that you can attend anytime and anywhere, at your convenience.
Since 1999, has been helping small businesses buy and sell their goods around the world. Today, we are one of the world’s largest B2B marketplaces, serving buyers and sellers in over 200 countries and regions worldwide across more than 40 industries. Think of it as an on-demand digital trade show – one that you can attend anytime and anywhere, at your convenience.
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-, B2B, Sourcing