Alibaba Dragonwell is the engine that runs the distributed Java applications in extreme scaling at Alibaba, supporting various application scenarios covering e-commerce, logistics, and e-finance. In this talk, we will describe the challenges in scaling Java applications in the cloud and the solutions which have been open-sourced in Alibaba Dragonwell: (1) we developed a multi-tenant mechanism that allows running multiple applications inside one JVM instance. The resource consumption (CPU, memory) of each of them is constrained at the tenant-level. (2) we integrated the lightweight threads (coroutine) into JVM to support asynchronous programming. (3) We built a series of tools to help our developers do an efficient problem diagnostic.
Finally, this talk will give the audience an overview introduction about the Eclipse Jifa project, a web application based on the Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tooling (MAT), and describe how the Jifa can help the developers do the heap analysis in the cloud environment. We will describe how the characterization of our Java workloads would guide us to implement these features. While your workloads are different, the thought process we went through could be useful for you too.
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Finally, this talk will give the audience an overview introduction about the Eclipse Jifa project, a web application based on the Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tooling (MAT), and describe how the Jifa can help the developers do the heap analysis in the cloud environment. We will describe how the characterization of our Java workloads would guide us to implement these features. While your workloads are different, the thought process we went through could be useful for you too.
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JAVAPRO ist das Magazin für professionelle Java-Entwicklung in der Praxis.
Über das Magazin hinaus ist JAVAPRO Veranstalter der jährlich stattfindenden Entwickler-Konferenz JCON. Auf der JCON stehen Core Java, Enterprise Java, Microservices, APIs und Frameworks im Fokus.
Auf diesem Kanal finden sich Interviews, Sessions, Tipps & Tricks und alles, was das (Java)-Entwickler-Herz begehrt.
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