69 Clothing | Brand Store & Fashion Boutique WordPress Theme | Tutorial Step By Step in Hindi 2020

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69 Clothing | Brand Store & Fashion Boutique WordPress Theme | Tutorial Step By Step in Hindi 2020

Jay Jagannath( ‘जय जगन्नाथ’ ) ,
Namaste ( नमस्ते ),
स्वागत करते है हमारा नई यूट्यूब चैनल WP Guru3 पे | आज हम सीखेंगे ईकॉमर्स वेबसाइट की बरिमे | जिसका नाम है : ६९ क्लाथिंग ब्रांड स्टोर एंड फैशन बुटीक वर्डप्रेस थीम | उसको लेके कैसे ईकॉमर्स वेबसाइट बनाएँगे | आप इस वीडियो को बिना स्किप करते हुए स्टार्ट टू एंड तक देखि ए | ताकि आपको अछि तरह से समझ आए | तो अभी स्टार्ट करते है |

=== Solved Queries in This Video ===
1. how to download wordpress.org locally.
2. how to create a database in PHPMyAdmin.
3. how to install WordPress Manually in xampp server localhost
4. theme installation in WordPress
5. plugin installation & Activate WordPress in Hindi
6. import demo content WordPress theme
7. How to Customize 69 Clothing | Brand Store & Fashion Boutique WordPress Theme?

=== चरणों का पालन करें (Follow to Steps) ===
1- Run XAMPP
2- Go to the WordPress Official Website Url https://wordpress.org/download/
click Download Wordpress 5.4.2 Download ZIP file in your Local system, Extract the ZIP file., in this folder all file copy and Paste
3- Go to D:xampp\htdocs\FOLDERNAME(69_clothing_new), 69_clothing_new(folder in) PASTE WordPress download Extract file.
4- Go to the http://localhost/phpmyadmin, Create a database his name (69_Clothing_8junedb)
5- Go to the (http://localhost/FOLDERNAME) http://localhost/69_clothing_new
6- Manually Install the WordPress in localhost xampp server
7- Database name (write-69_Clothing_8junedb), Username (write-root), password ( Password remove blank), SUBMIT click, Run the Installation click,
8- Site Title (write-69 Clothing | Brand Store & Fashion Boutique WordPress Theme), Username(admin), password(admin), confirm password (checkbox click right symbol show), your email(write your email id ), install WordPress click, Wordpress Manually install completely in your localhost xampp server. then redirect automatically
9- http://localhost/69_clothing_new/wp-login.php user name- admin & password- admin write & press Log In
10- open http://localhost/69_clothing_new/wp-admin/ and view-- show Wordpress default setting & tools, if u open this http://localhost/69_clothing_new/ show WordPress default theme.
11- Go to Appearance - Themes - Add New - Upload Themes - Browse
12- i just Buying this Premium Theme under GPL License, Means Unlimited Domain use, 100% Free From Virus / Malicious Script / Backdoor

You can get an Exclusive GPL Wordpress & Woocommerce, Themes, Plugins, Yoast, etc... here and

Download at https://srmehranclub.com/product/69-clothing-brand-store-fashion-boutique-wordpress-theme/ in cheapest price in another website, if u want to purchase Themes, Plugin etc as u like.

13- Clothing69.zip upload, Install Now Activate Now click
14- Begin Installing Plugins, left side checkbox all click mean all plugin selected, install, Apply click, then left side checkbox all click mean all plugin selected, Activate, Apply click, show activate successfully.
15- Go to Appearance - Install Demo Data click., WHOLE DEMO-SITE CONTENT, Start Import-- Posts, Media. Theme modes, Theme Options, Widgets, Essential Grid, Revolution Slider, Woo-commerce Meta- 0 to 100 percentage show then Green Circle icon right symbol show all Show Congratulations! Data import complete! enjoy & customize this website.

Stylish Brand Store & Fashion Boutique WordPress Theme 1.2.4-If you are a fashion retailer or company that sells on the Internet, here is a modern and stylish solution – 69 Clothing. 69 Clothing is a responsive, modern, attractive & alluring e-commerce WordPress theme. It is built for an online brand store of clothing, lingerie agency, and accessories firm, or online fashion boutique. And thanks WooCommerce plugin you can create a versatile and completely customizable WordPress shop.

Thanx for Watching (देखने के लिए धन्यवाद )
WP Guru3

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