“TikTok is the New AMAZON!”: The Future of Online Business & eCommerce | RobTheBank (E046)

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@robthebankmotion is a serial entrepreneur and eCommerce expert who is at the forefront of the next big wave in online business. After exiting his first business for eight figures, Rob has turned to the rising opportunity of TikTok Shop, which he boldly predicts will “eat the world” of traditional eCommerce leaders like Shopify and Amazon. The young entrepreneur has also taken to content creation to share his strategic insights to thousands worldwide, helping others navigate the fast-evolving state of eCommerce as we know it. Tune in for the next hour as we navigate life of the modern entrepreneur, including discussions around relationships, “looksmaxxing”, the creator economy and more.

0:00 Life in the States: taxes, work & quality of life
3:33 Extreme weather & why Mike considers Dubai as the “place to be”
6:44 Hustling vs. work-life balance in your 20s & 30s
9:02 The power of personal brands (Iman Gadzhi & Alex Hormozi models)
11:02 “Lifemaxxing”: the importance of investing in yourself
13:42 Rob’s Genius Brand (supplements) & the secrets to his Amazon success
19:01 The shocking reality about successfully exiting a business
24:42 The post-wealth crisis: how to maintain meaning & purpose
27:02 Seeking duty & fulfilment as a man
29:00 Looksmaxxing & prioritising your health
32:44 Rob’s new designer consumable brand (Top Shelf) & working with Andrew Tate
36:01 The Andrew Tate controversy
38:42 “Tik Tok shop is the next early Amazon”: how Tik Tok will become the face of e-commerce in the next few years
41:44 The power of UGC & content as the #1 push for promotion
45:05 Influence & mimetic desire
48:55 “relationships are a disaster!” the difficult truth of dating & relationships in modern western culture
52:00 Open relationships & monogamy
57:44 Is having children the most difficult decision you can make?
59:32 Rob’s next steps

» Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
» Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
» My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
» Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

» Follow Rob «
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@robthebankmotion/featured
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/robthebank
X: https://twitter.com/thegeniusceo
E commerce Amazon

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